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We offer a 14 day Money back guarantee.  

If you're not satisfied, simply return the book in its original condition within two weeks of receipt, and we'll credit your account for the full amount, shipping charges are not refundable.
Please allow 2-4 weeks for refunds of check or money order payments.

Returns should be directed to:
Fabrizio Bivona
150 Monroe Lake Shore
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301-8526



As a paramedic/firefighter who responded on 9/11, who was fortunate enough to survive that day, I felt compelled to share my gratitude and admiration, for so many, that gave so much. This book is a compilation of my own personal photo album and diary surrounding the event. My intention was to give some comfort to all those affected by the tragic events of 9/11... [more]

Fabrizio Bivona & Oprah Winfrey

Free Printable Poem

Receive this free poem in PDF format entitle  "I'm There With You" by Fabrizio Bivona as a tribute to all those who perished September 11, 2001.



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